Message from Our Principal

Welcome Tierra Linda Families!
Our team of students, staff, parents and community members will work together to provide an educational experience which aligns with the San Carlos School District Strategic Plan. We are focusing on our school culture and climate by building a safe, respectful environment. Students are encouraged to take risks, collaborate and become responsible citizens of the community during these important years that prepare them for high school and beyond.
During my 22 years in education, I have been a teacher, reading intervention teacher, English Learner Coordinator and principal at two different schools, most recently in San Mateo.  Over the next few months, I would like to learn as much as possible about students, staff and families at TL.  Stop by, introduce yourself or send me an email with any questions, comments or concerns. 
Let's work on keeping our traffic flowing during drop off and pick up.  Look for some important safety videos that will be coming soon.  Our goal is a safe, efficient drop-off for the 1000 students who enter and exit all three campuses daily!  
This year we have switched to a different method for creating newsletters through our website.  It will take my team a few weeks to get it updated. News, announcements and events will be posted on our website, so check the home page for current information.  There will be a weekly communication email with upcoming events and a principal newsletter to keep you informed about what is happening in classrooms at TL. 
Enjoy the last few days of summer and see you on August 22.  Please call the school office if we can assist you in the transition back to school.  
It starts now :-)
Kristen M. Ugrin