April 5, 2021 Principal's News, Phase 4 Hybrid

Dear TL Families:

I hope you had some time to rest be outside during Spring Break.  We are excited to welcome students back and happy to announce that our outdoor learning spaces have been completed due to Each Green Corner grant funding and volunteers, PTA donations and an anonymous donor.  Students and teachers will enjoy learning outside in the spring and begin to plant in our garden boxes.

Unfortunately, we continue to witness acts of violence at the National level and in the Bay Area.  At TL, all students and their families are welcome and valued. We do not tolerate bullying. As a school community, we are dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive leanring environment for all students while in-person or online.  Reach out to any staff member or school leaders if you have questions or concerns. We also want to be sure students have a safe, trusted adult at school. This may be a classified staff member, teacher, counselor, or administrator. Additionally, SCSD continues our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion work by partnering with Inclusion Counts. The next step for our DEI Steering Committe is writing goals and action steps with a focus on three key areas: Engagement and Interactions, Representation and Policies, Practices, and Systems.  This is important work and it is imperative that we take action and move quickly.

Phase 4 Hybrid Schedule begins April 12

  • FAQ sheet including schedules for Group A, Group B, and Group C (7th and 8th grade Connections). 
  • Phase 4 schedule was designed to continue collaborative, engaging teaching and learning that includes students continuing online in the Connections Program.  Teachers will not simultaneously teach students in-person and at home.  There will be two different sessions of classes in a day to accommodate in-person or at home.
  • Teachers will meet with students on Wednesday, April 7 or Thursday, April 8 in class to help them create a new schedule
  • As we transition, remember to have patience.  Change is hard and here we go again!  We know students are going to need some time to adjust and figure it all out.  
  • We have completed 27 weeks of structured online learning with a focus on content and curriculum. 
  • We now shift our focus to teaching and learning in a different way with in-person learning experiences.
  • SBAC standardized testing will happen in person and online the week of May 3 and May 10 in ELA, Math and Science (8th grade).

Join us for a Principal's Coffee Chat on Friday, April 9 if you have questions.

9:00 a.m. for parents/guardians of students attending in-person hybrid

9:30 am for parents/guardians of students attending online Connections, grades 6 - 8.

Join Zoom Meeting https://scsdk8.zoom.us/j/92803452663?pwd=bzBZY2llL1Q5VGtRV3owb2k0YVFFZz09

Meeting ID: 928 0345 2663 Passcode: 212484


Kristen Ugrin and Meagan Vizier