Resources for Family Movement Breaks

Screen Free Recess and Family Movement Menu

The inspiration behind these offerings is to create a time each day for family movement. This can be thought of as your household’s “recess time”. The emphasis of these activities is that they have the potential to connect you to each other, the natural  world, and the healing potential of playfulness, and dare we say silliness. We encourage you to find a time that works for your family and have it be a daily happening. Maybe it’s first thing in the morning, before lunch, or before dinner. We encourage you to accumulate 60 minutes of this movement time a day. Our current situation presents a unique opportunity to reconnect with each other, the natural world and to wholesome activities that embody us. It harkens back to a simpler time when you might go outside with your mother or father  and just throw a baseball back and forth as the sun sets over the distant hills. Pick activities that your family loves and that fits your interests.

6-8th Grade

Yoga- Create your own sequence from what you know. If someone in the family has taken a class let them lead you or grab a yoga book from the shelf. Here are some essential Poses  for young kids. ( Mountain, cat, dog, frog, cat, monkey, tree, cobra, bridge,

Dance Party -Clear out some space in the living room or den and turn on your family's favorite lively music (Salas, Reggae, Rock, Funk, Hip Hop,Disco, Bluegrass, ….) and Dance Dance Dance!!!  

Family Bike Ride Get the Family out for a ride in the neighborhood or put the bikes in the car and go to Sawyer Camp or Canada Rd.

Jump Rope -Now is a great time to learn how to jump rope!If you don’t have one you can find some rope in your garage and make your own and then practice, practice, practice! Swing the rope in one hand in a circle next to your body. Once you have that skill down then jump every time the rope hits the ground by your side. Next you can place the rope behind you, swing it over your head and jump over the rope once , twice, …..

Frisbee (20 min)- Find an area outside and throw a frisbee back and forth. Use modified frisbees with holes in the middle like aerobie’s or beamo’s.

Hula Hoop- Don’t know how to hula hoop? It’s easy. Place the hoop around your waist with the hoop touching your back. Twist your body and spin the hoop around your body. It helps to have your strong leg forward and then each time the hoop spins around your body bump your hips to send the hoop around again. Find a rhythm and the correct timing.

Throw a Football or Baseball Back and Forth - Imagine your grandparents and your parents throwing a ball back and forth back in the old days. This is timeless and classic fun. Substitute lacrosse or badminton if that’s your sport.

Beach Ball or Volleyball (30 min) - Go outside and pass the ball back and forth and play pepper. (Pass, set, hit, dig, set hit, dig, set, hit dig….) Make your own net or put up a real one and play.

Juggling-Learn how to juggle!  Find the video, “How to Juggle Three Balls” with Josh Horton and you’ll be juggling in no time!

Hacky Sack- Teach yourself a new skill and learn a new game with YouTube videos ,”How to Hacky Sack for Beginners with Scott “ or “Learn Footbag Basics I-Kicks”. 

Go for a Walk around your Neighborhood (30-45 min) - Bring your dog , bring as many of your family members along. If you get a lot of energy you could run. Please maintain the appropriate 6 feet of social distancing between you and other people you may encounter on your walk.

Hike at a Local County Park -  Go to Pulgas Ridge, Edgewood Park, Eaton Park, Wunderlich Park or Sawyer Camp and Hike into Nature.

Walk on the Bay Trail -Take a short drive to Redwood Shores, Foster City or San Mateo.  Sometimes you’ll see small sharks or rays swimming in the lagoons in Redwood Shores.

Soccer- Indoor or Outdoor - Use two cones, 2 sweatshirts, or actual soccer goals for goals. For indoor soccer use a lightweight soft “gator ball” or rolled up pillow. For outside use a soccer 

Basketball - Using a basketball or other ball that bounces practice dribbling , passing and shooting with a sibling or parent. If you have a basketball hoop, play a game.

Gaga Ball- This is essentially a game of tag with a soft ball. (Gator ball, under inflated soccer ball, or beach ball). Create an area to play in like a backyard driveway with a garage wall behind it. You can hit or swipe at the gaga ball with one hand at a level below your knees. You are aiming at the legs of other players in the game. If you hit them they are usually out but it's more fun if they keep playing so keep score or have the person who got tagged.


Pre-K -1st Grade

Dance Party - Clear out some space in the living room or den and turn on your family's favorite lively music (Salas, Reggae, Rock, Funk, Hip Hop,Disco, Bluegrass, ….), and Dance Dance Dance!!!  

Beach Ball or Balloon Volleyball - Move the furniture out or to the perimeter of a room, clear or secure breakables. Then place 2 chairs on opposite ends of the room and connect them with string, rope or a few belts connected together and then place a light sheet over it. You can play Beach ball Volleyball Outside as well.

Go for a Walk around your Neighborhood - Bring your dog , bring as many of your family members along. If you get a lot of energy you could run. Please maintain the appropriate 6 feet of social distancing between you and other people you may encounter on your walk.

Hike at a Local County Park -  Go to Pulgas Ridge, Edgewood Park, Eaton Park, Wunderlich Park or Sawyer Camp and Hike into Nature. 

Take a walk on the Bay Trail -  Explore the Bay Trail in Redwood Shores, Foster City or San Mateo!

Tricycle, Bike or Scooter - If you have a place in the backyard with some concrete ride your tricycle, bicycle or scooter.

Yoga- Create your own sequence from what you know. If someone in the family has taken a class let them lead you or grab a yoga book from the shelf. Here are some essential Poses  for young kids. ( Mountain, cat, dog, frog, cat, monkey, tree, cobra, bridge)

Locomotion Races : In the backyard, front yard, sidewalk, hallway or large room 

( Run,  Gallop,  Slide, Hop , Skip. Frog  Jump, Bear Walk, Monkey Walk, Crab Walk)

Soccer- Indoor or Outdoor - Use two cones, 2 sweatshirts, or actual soccer goals for goals. For indoor soccer use a lightweight soft “gator ball” or rolled up pillow. For outside use a soccer ball.

Basketball - Using a basketball or other ball that bounces practice dribbling , passing and shooting with a sibling or parent. If you have a basketball hoop, play a game.

Obstacle Course -  Use items found around your house to create an indoor or outdoor obstacle course!  Jump over a bucket, crawl under a chair, walk on pillows to create an uneven walking surface, put two chairs together back to back and squeeze through them, create tunnels with blankets.  Use your imagination!!!

Hula Hoop- Don’t know how to hula hoop? It’s easy. Place the hoop around your waist with the hoop touching your back. Twist your body and spin the hoop around your body. For younger kids you can spin a small hoop on your arm, spin it on the ground with backspin and chase it,

2 or 4  Square- Create a Two Square space in your driveway or backyard patio and create your own Two Square games!  If you have four people, then play Four Square!

Hopscotch- Let your imagination run wild by creating your own hopscotch game!  Use some sidewalk chalk and draw your favorite animals (unicorns, cows, horses) or clouds and create a crazy hopscotch game.  Hop forwards, sideways, backwards-anything you can think of! If you can’t go outside, ask your parents if you can make a hopscotch game with painter’s tape.

Noodle Fun-  Have a couple of swim noodles laying around the house?  Take one and place the end of it on the palm of your hand and balance it!  See who can balance theirs the longest! Make a relay race out of it as well!  

Plastic Eggs- Have an egg hunt with the entire family!  See who can collect the most eggs! Or, each family member has their own  single colored eggs, they hide them, and then everyone collects the eggs that weren’t their own color.


2-5th  Grade

Gaga Ball- This is essentially a game of tag with a soft ball. (Gator ball, under inflated soccer ball, or beach ball). Create an area to play in like a backyard driveway with a garage wall behind it. You can hit or swipe at the gaga ball with one hand at a level below your knees. You are aiming at the legs of other players in the game. If you hit them they are usually out but it's more fun if they keep playing so keep score or have the person who got tagged.

2 or 4 Square- Create a Two Square space in your driveway or backyard patio and create your own Two Square games!  If you have four people, then play Four Square!

2-Touch- Use a playground ball or soccer ball. Kick the ball at the ball and then the next player has 2 attempts to kick it back to the wall. You can play the same game using your hands.

Family Bike Ride - Get the Family out for a ride in the neighborhood or put the bikes in the car and go to Sawyer Camp or Canada Rd.

Jump Rope -Now is a great time to learn how to jump rope!If you don’t have one you can find some rope in your garage and make your own and then practice, practice, practice! Swing the rope in one hand in a circle next to your body. Once you have that skill down then jump every time the rope hits the ground by your side. Next you can place the rope behind you, swing it over your head and jump over the rope once , twice, …..

Frisbee - Find an area outside and throw a frisbee back and forth. Use modified frisbees with holes in the middle like aerobie’s or beamo’s.

Dance Party - Clear out some space in the living room or den and turn on your family's favorite lively music (Salas, Reggae, Rock, Funk, Hip Hop,Disco, Bluegrass, ….) and Dance Dance Dance

Beach Ball or Balloon Volleyball - Move the furniture out or to the perimeter of a room, clear or secure breakables. Then place 2 chairs on opposite ends of the room and connect them with string, rope or a few belts connected together and then place a light sheet over it. Go outside and pass the ball back and forth if you have the space and good weather.

Yoga- Create your own sequence from what you know. If someone in the family has taken a class let them lead you or grab a yoga book from the shelf. Here are some essential Poses

( Sun Salutations, Mountain, Triangle, Warrior 1 & 2, Tree, Down Dog, Cobra, Bridge)

Go for a Walk around your Neighborhood (30-45 min) - Bring your dog , bring as many of your family members along. If you get a lot of energy you could run. Please maintain the appropriate 6 feet of social distancing between you and other people you may encounter on your walk.

Hike at a Local County Park  - Go to Pulgas Ridge, Edgewood Park, Eaton Park, Wunderlich Park or Sawyer Camp and Hike into Nature.

Take a walk on the Bay Trail -Just a short drive to Redwood Shores, Foster City or San Mateo.  Sometimes you can see small sharks or rays swimming in the lagoons in Redwood Shores.

Tricycle, Bike or Scooter - If you have a place in the backyard with some concrete ride your tricycle, bicycle or scooter.

Locomotion Races : In the backyard, front yard, sidewalk, hallway or large room 

( Run,  Gallop,  Slide, Hop , Skip. Frog  Jump, Bear Walk, Monkey Walk, Crab Walk)

Soccer- Indoor or Outdoor - Use two cones, 2 sweatshirts, or actual soccer goals for goals. For indoor soccer use a lightweight soft “gator ball” or rolled up pillow. For outside use a soccer 

Basketball - Using a basketball or other ball that bounces practice dribbling , passing and shooting with a sibling or parent. If you have a basketball hoop, play a game.

Obstacle Course -Use items found around your house to create an indoor or outdoor obstacle course!  Jump over a bucket, crawl under a chair, walk on pillows to create an uneven walking surface, put two chairs together back to back and squeeze through them, create tunnels with blankets.  Use your imagination!!!

Bilateral Scavenger Hunt- Get index cards and write down bilateral movements (jumping jacks, running in place, mountain climbers, balancing cat pose, alternate high knee touches, touching your feet behind you as you

Hula Hoop

Don’t know how to hula hoop? It’s easy. Place the hoop around your waist with the hoop touching your back. Twist your body and spin the hoop around your body. It helps to have your strong leg forward and then each time the hoop spins around your body bump your hips to send the hoop around again. Find a rhythm and the correct timing.

Juggling-  Teach yourself how to juggle three balls. Start with throwing one ball or bean bag from one hand to another (not passing it). Next throw one ball up and then before it hits the other hand throw the 2nd ball up in the air to the other hand(not passing it). Finally start with two balls in one hand and try the same pattern. 

Hacky Sack- Learn how to juggle a “Hacky Sack”. See how many times you can keep the hacky sack in the air with your feet or knees. If you prefer volleyball then use the back of your hand or forearm