San Carlos School District Illuminate Home Connection Portal for the 2019 – 2020 School Year
To the Mother/Father/Guardian of TL student:
San Carlos School District is excited to continue with the implementation of our online data management system and gradebook called Illuminate. Illuminate’s Home Connection portal allows parents secure access to their middle school student’s grades and assignments, and also gives access to classroom, district, and state assessments.
Parents with more than one child enrolled in SCSD schools are able to create a single parent account that will allow them to view each child’s profile. For those of you that had accounts last school year, we have assigned new access codes; therefore, you will need to create a new login account with this access code. Your prior year login account will no longer work.
At present, we are only using the parent portal for middle school students. If you have a child in elementary school, the profile will contain minimal data. To sign up for Illuminate’s Home Connection, follow the directions below:
Parents will need to go to https://sancarlos.
illuminatehc.com/ and click on the green "Create Account" button. -
To the right of the phrase "First Name," type your first name
To the right of the phrase "Last Name," type your last name
You will need to enter an exact match of your first and last name. (Note that name order is reversed and no comma is necessary.)
To the right of the word "Email," type your email address.
Skip entering the "Phone Number"
To the right of the phrase "Access Code," type the access code given to you by your child's school district. Your access code is: (email Mr. Gutierrez if you don't have your access code)
To the right of the word "Password," type a password you would like to use. Make a note of it somewhere private.
Your password is "case sensitive," meaning that any uppercase or lowercase letters you use now must be typed in exactly the same way later for the password to work.
To the right of the phrase "Confirm password," type the exact same password again.
Click on the blue "Submit" button.
You will receive confirmation of your registration and will be redirected to your child’s profile. You can now visit the same URL (https://sancarlos.illuminatehc.com/ ) at any time to see how your child is performing in his or her class(es), view upcoming assignments, and more. Simply enter your email address and chosen password, and you will be granted access. You may email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or need help with the Illuminate Home Connection portal.
*Parents will only need to follow this process once to register. In the future, you will only need to login with your email and password.